Does anyone know the difference between Vouchers and Manage Promotions?
It seems Vouchers have a maximum 50% discount. Can Manage Promotions create claim codes with more than 50% discount?
Does anyone know the difference between Vouchers and Manage Promotions?
It seems Vouchers have a maximum 50% discount. Can Manage Promotions create claim codes with more than 50% discount?
Vouchers are simply a percentage discount on an item
Manage Promotions can be more specific in so much as you can set tiers such as Buy 5 and Get 1 Free, or But 2 and Get 1 at 50% off.
The other main difference is visibility - Vouchers are more user friendly and are also visible in Search results as well as on the ASIN.
Of course, Vouchers also come with a fee per redemption as well.
Sorry - no idea on what discount you can offer in Manage Promotions though.
Hello @Seller_TaeOq1xbNGdHE
Following on your post. Just to add, here are some help pages related to voucher info that may give you more info:
Amazon Voucher Terms and Conditions
Any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support channel.
Does anyone know the difference between Vouchers and Manage Promotions?
It seems Vouchers have a maximum 50% discount. Can Manage Promotions create claim codes with more than 50% discount?
Does anyone know the difference between Vouchers and Manage Promotions?
It seems Vouchers have a maximum 50% discount. Can Manage Promotions create claim codes with more than 50% discount?
Does anyone know the difference between Vouchers and Manage Promotions?
It seems Vouchers have a maximum 50% discount. Can Manage Promotions create claim codes with more than 50% discount?
Vouchers are simply a percentage discount on an item
Manage Promotions can be more specific in so much as you can set tiers such as Buy 5 and Get 1 Free, or But 2 and Get 1 at 50% off.
The other main difference is visibility - Vouchers are more user friendly and are also visible in Search results as well as on the ASIN.
Of course, Vouchers also come with a fee per redemption as well.
Sorry - no idea on what discount you can offer in Manage Promotions though.
Hello @Seller_TaeOq1xbNGdHE
Following on your post. Just to add, here are some help pages related to voucher info that may give you more info:
Amazon Voucher Terms and Conditions
Any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support channel.
Vouchers are simply a percentage discount on an item
Manage Promotions can be more specific in so much as you can set tiers such as Buy 5 and Get 1 Free, or But 2 and Get 1 at 50% off.
The other main difference is visibility - Vouchers are more user friendly and are also visible in Search results as well as on the ASIN.
Of course, Vouchers also come with a fee per redemption as well.
Sorry - no idea on what discount you can offer in Manage Promotions though.
Vouchers are simply a percentage discount on an item
Manage Promotions can be more specific in so much as you can set tiers such as Buy 5 and Get 1 Free, or But 2 and Get 1 at 50% off.
The other main difference is visibility - Vouchers are more user friendly and are also visible in Search results as well as on the ASIN.
Of course, Vouchers also come with a fee per redemption as well.
Sorry - no idea on what discount you can offer in Manage Promotions though.
Hello @Seller_TaeOq1xbNGdHE
Following on your post. Just to add, here are some help pages related to voucher info that may give you more info:
Amazon Voucher Terms and Conditions
Any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support channel.
Hello @Seller_TaeOq1xbNGdHE
Following on your post. Just to add, here are some help pages related to voucher info that may give you more info:
Amazon Voucher Terms and Conditions
Any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support channel.